Protect Your Central Coast is the collaborative effort of local organizations and governments whose shared mission is to promote waste reduction, reuse and recycling in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties to help achieve sustainable lifestyles.

Use this site to find resources for proper disposal in your area and tips to help you reduce waste and pollution. Together, we can make a difference and work towards zero waste!


There's still time to recycle that tree for free - but keep it free from plastics and other non-organic materials so it can be turned into compost to replenish our soil. 🌲🌎

Remember, just because it says "compostable" doesn't mean your recycler wants it in the green organics bin. Check your acceptable items and when in doubt, leave it out.

There's no "off season" in California for emergencies. Whether it's a family medical emergency that has you at the hospital for several days, or a disaster that impacts thousands, be ready to grab and go with a plan for all of your family. 🩷
